Photo Booth Rental in Miami, FL

We make you look really good!

photo booth rental in miami
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Wedding planners and event influencers trust Photog Booth to be their #1 choice for a photo booth rental in Miami. Photog Booth provides a minimalistic open-air booth that captures beautiful-looking photo quality and guarantees an unforgettable guest experience! Clients rave about their proprietary modern props, designer-made creative backdrops, and tailor-made instant prints. Photog Booth exists to capture every moment and make your event remarkable!

Why Photog Booth?

Photog Booth camera

Photog Booth was built to offer the absolute best image quality.


Classy photo of a couple taken by Photog Booth

est. 2012

Instagram profile for @jennarosenstein

– Jenna is Beauty Director from Harper’s Bazaar who changed her Instagram profile image moments after using Photog Booth.

Harper's Bazaar logo
Photog Booth backdrops

Designer Backdrops

Customize your booth by choosing from a variety of designer-made backdrops that stand out or fit in with your event decor.

Printed photos from a LinkedIn event

Elevate your event by giving your guests a personalized memory of the experience with tailor-made instant prints.

Beautiful Prints

Photog Booth props

Our modern-looking sign props will keep your booth from looking outdated while ensuring your guests have a fun time!

Non-Cheesy Props

Choose Your Package

Popular Packages & Pricing Options

miami photo booth


The perfect eco-friendly digital photo booth that keeps your guests fully present and engaged with each other at your event.

photo booth miami rental


The most popular booth to light up the party includes personalized prints, custom backdrops, and premium sign props.

miami photo booth rentals


The timeless black and white booth is perfect for elegant events that want to make their guests look and feel like celebrities.

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Over 300+ 5.0 Star Reviews

Contact Us

Ready to book the best Miami photo booth rental that’s modern, beautiful, and fun? Let’s do this! 📸 🎉

Photog Booth
111 NE 1st Street
8th Floor #321
Miami, FL 33132

(866) 247-1490



“We make you
look really good!”

Because [Photog] is actually short for Photographer